Sexuality and intimacy following gynaecological cancer treatment

Sexuality and intimacy following gynaecological cancer treatment


This brochure was written by ESPERANZA, our Belgian ENGAGe member and was edited to suit European context. It is therefore not an ENGAGe brochure but a brochure endorsed by ENGAGe. It belongs to a special section of brochures called From members to members.

This enables ENGAGe members to have access to valuable content already existing at other members. ENGAGe endorsement states that ENGAGe is in full approval of the content of such brochures. Graphics of these brochures remain unchanged to original ones. For translations the same graphics will be used. ENGAGe member logo may be added on the front page. The translation process is the same as for ENGAGe original brochures.



Getting diagnosed with cancer and having treatment can affect your intimacy and sex life. But not everyone is affected in the same way. Various factors play a role, such as the extent of cancer, the treatment(s) you are undergoing, the emotional strain, whether or not you are in a relationship, and if so, how good that relationship is, your age, your physical condition, how important sexuality is to you and within your relationship…

In this brochure, we highlight some effects that are specific to the treatment of gynaecological cancer and that (can) have an impact on your sexuality.


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