ENGAGe Advocacy Groups
Group name: Acto Onlus – Alleanza contro il Tumore Ovarico
Website: https://www.acto-italia.org/it
Associated With:
Group name: ASARGA- Asociación de Sarcomas Grupo Asistencial
Website: https://www.asarga.es/
Associated With:
Group name: Associazione di Ricerca per l a Donna (RiDo)
Website: https://facebook.com/asssociazioneRiDo
Group name: Champalimaud Clinical Centre & Foundation
Website: http://www.fchampalimaud.org
Group name: Eirstockkrebs Deutschland e.V.
Website: https://www.eskd.de/
Group name: Genç Birikim Dernegi & Youth Accumulation Association
Website: http://www.gencbirikim.org
Associated With:
Group name: HomeCare Association
Website: http://www.ingrijireacasa.ro/istoric
Group name: Imagyn, The Patient Advocacy Group
Website: https://www.imagyn.org/
Hôpital Hôtel Dieu B2 5éme étage 1, Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II 75004 Paris - France
Group name: Latvian Cancer Patients Association
Website: http://www.dzivibaskoks.lv
Dzivibas koks Latvia
Group name: Mothers for mothers Association
Website: http://desprevaccin.ro/
Group name: Ovacare
Website: https://www.ovacare.ie/
Group name: Stiftung Eierstock Krebs
Website: http://stiftungeierstockkrebs.de
German Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Charite, Campus Virchow Klinikum Augustenburger Platz 1 13353 Berlin Germany
Associated With:
Group name: Together it’s easier
Website: https://noiegeszsegert.hu/
Group name: Women’s centre Milica
Website: http://www.milica.org.rs
Group name: Acto Campagnia
Website: http://www.acto-italia.org/acto-campania/acto-campania
Campagnia, Italy
Group name: ANAIS Association
Website: https://www.asociatia-anais.ro/
Group name: ASACO
Website: http://www.asociacionasaco.es
Association de Afectados por Cáncer de Ovario Spain
Associated With:
Group name: Association of Cancer Patients in Finland
Website: http://www.syopapotilaat.fi
Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry Malminkaari 5, 00700 Helsinki Finland
Group name: Associazione OPPO e le sue stanze onlus
Website: http://www.oppostanze.it/
Group name: Blue Butterfly Association
Website: http://www.niebieskimotyl.pl
Stowarzyszenie Niebieski Motyl Poland
Group name: BRACHA – Living with a high risk of hereditary cancer
Website: https://www.bracha.org.il/
Group name: Circle of friends cancer support centre
Website: https://www.facebook.com/circleoffriendstipptown/
Associated With:
Group name: ElleHelp – Verein für gynäkologische Krebsarten
Website: https://www.ellehelp.ch/
Group name: Eurydyki
Website: http://www.eurydyki.pl/
Group name: Gynecological Cancerpatients in Finland
Website: http://www.gysy.fi/
Group name: GYNSAM
Website: http://www.gynsam.se
The Gynaecological Cancer Patient National Coalition Sweden
Group name: HENARAN charitable foundation
Website: http://www.henaran-fund.org/
Group name: In the Name of Life
Website: https://oncopatient.by/
Group name: Irish Society of Gynaeocological Oncology (ISGO) Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in Research Group
Website: http://www.isgo.ie/
Group name: KIU (Women with gynaecological cancer)
Website: http://www.kiuonline.dk
Vikingevej 11 3630 Jægerspris Denmark
Group name: LOTO ONLUS – Uniti contro il tumore ovarico
Website: http://www.lotonlus.org/
Group name: MOG-Portuguese Oncological Gynecological Mouvement (Movimento cancro do Ovário e outros cancros Ginecológicos)
Website: http://www.mogportugal.pt/
Group name: Ovacome
Website: https://www.ovacome.org.uk/
Group name: Si eu am dreptul sa fiu parinte
Website: https://saveyourfertility.ro/
Associated With:
Group name: Supporting Ovarian Cancer Knowledge (SOCK)
Website: http://www.sock.ie
Group name: Vriendtjes Tegen Kanker
Website: http://www.vriendtjestegenkanker.be/
Group name: Womb Cancer Support UK
Website: http://www.wombcancersupportuk.weebly.com
Associated With: