Please find attached call for nomination to the position of Vice Co-Chair in ENGAGe. The election will be held during the ENGAGe General Assembly meeting, on Friday, October 28, 17:00-18:30 in Berlin.
The ENGAGe Co-Chair is elected by the General Assembly and will serve four (4) years comprising subsequent terms as follows: one (1) year as Vice Co-Chair (effectively, Co-Chair-Elect), two (2) years as Co-Chair, and then one (1) additional year as Vice Co-Chair (effectively, immediate Past Co-Chair). Thus, the positions of Past Co-Chair and Co-Chair- Elect alternate seats on the EEG and are together known as the Vice Co-Chair.
The position of Vice Co-Chair (Co-Chair-Elect) will first be voted on at the 2022 General Assembly meeting. The position of Vice Co-Chair (this seat alternates between the Co-Chair-Elect and immediate Past Co-Chair, depending on which one is in office) was set up to facilitate the continuity of work within the EEG.
Interested ENGAGe members should forward their candidate´s motivation statement (250 words) with a photo to the Nomination Committee by June 24th, 2022, at the ENGAGe office: The motivation statement should explain their motivation to become Vice Co-Chair/Co-Chair and suggestions for future goals and vision.
You can find all necessary information in the attached document, however, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Don´t miss this unique opportunity to shape the future of ENGAGe!