Call for nomination of Vice-Co-Chair

Get involved and help shape the future of our organisation!

We are pleased to announce the upcoming elections for the position of Vice Co-Chair which will take place during the ENGAGe General Assembly meeting, in Rome in February 2025.


According to the ENGAGe bylaws, the EEG is to consist of four members nominated by the ESGO Council, and four members representing patient advocates elected by the ENGAGE General Assembly, and two members representing patient advocates nominated by Nomination Committee. These are volunteer positions which require willingness and the capacity to participate in the ENGAGe leadership, lead diverse ENGAGe projects, and occasionally travel for ENGAGe. The Co-Chair-Elect will help the Co-Chairs of the ENGAGe Executive Group and will become ENGAGe Co-Chair in 2026.

Therefore, any motivated ENGAGe member (=patient advocacy group) wishing to work in the EEG as Vice-Co-Chair/Co-Chair is welcome to propose a candidate in the elections. Each ENGAGe member can nominate its representative as a candidate for the elections; however, and according to the bylaws, each country can only be represented by one member in the EEG.

Interested ENGAGe members should send their candidate’s statement of motivation (250 words) with a photo to the Nominations Committee by 15 November 2024.

More information here.