Social events: Yoga class


This workshop is led by a Czech yoga teacher Jirina Dobrovolna (  specialised in soft hatha yoga. It is suitable for everybody who wants to calm down and relax. Capacity of this workshop is unlimited. OPEN TO ENGAGe MEMBERS ONLY  

Social event: Cooking class


This cooking lesson is offered to you by Elisabetta Ricotti from Acto Onlus in Italy. Please accept this invitation to prepare an easy pasta dish called „Caccia peppe“. Here is a list of what you need to buy in advance: 400g of spaghetti, 200g hard season cheese, black pepper and salt.  OPEN TO ENGAGe MEMBERS…

Social events: Final toast


We will all meet together with a glass of champagne (or anything you feel like drinking) and toast to our health and to all upcoming ENGAGe events.  OPEN TO ENGAGe MEMBERS ONLY  

“No decision about me – without me” – Seminar


"No decision about me - without me" is the core of shared decision making. Shared Decision Making is a process in which clinicians and patients work together to choose test, treatment, management or support packages, based on clinical evidence and the patient’s informed preferences. If you would like to know more about Shared Decision Making,…

The webinar on Sexual health


The presenter: Kathrin Kirchheiner, MSc, PhD,  Associate Professor from Medical University of Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Austria. This webinar is organised in the cooperation with ENYGO and is the first event in the framework of the  Quality of Life series.