ENGAGe Patient Advocacy Seminar 2021

ENGAGe Patient Advocacy Seminar was held after two years (due to covid pandemic) on October 22-24, 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Patient Advocacy Seminar is organised each year by ENGAGe within the framework of ESGO Conference.

If you want to remind yourself the atmosphere at the PAS 2021, watch this video.

You can also find  the Report from the PAS 2021 here.

The final program can be found here.

If you want to watch the presentations, follow the links below.

Please bear in mind that the recordings of the presentations are benefit for you, as ENGAGe members representative, and they can not be shared with any third party or broadcasted publicly. Thank you for understanding!

Friday, October 22, 2021

Stigma that we have to break down together- building a new communication on HPV (risk for women and men) presented by Prof. Murat Gultekin, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Gynaecologic Oncology Unit, Ankara, Turkey

Stigma that we have to break down together- building a new communication on HPV (risk for women and men) presented by Icó Tóth, President of Mallow Flower Foundation, Budapest, Hungary

Mapping European Policies on Cervical Cancer Prevention presented by Marina Davidashvili, European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights (EPF), Brussels, Belgium

New treatments in gyn fields-Where is our field heading? How relevant? How much hope can give us? presented by Prof. Mansoor Raza Mirza, Chief Oncologist, Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

Genetic Tests for Gyn Cancers: To whom and which tests? presented by Prof. Ranjit Manchanda, Bartshealth NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital, Gynaecological Oncology, London, United Kingdom

Personalised Health Care presented by Prof. Sandro Pignata, IRCCS National Cancer Institute “Fondazione G. Pascale”, Uro-Gynecological Department, Division of Medical Oncology, Naples, Italy

How can patients gain enough knowledge to have an influence on the design of a clinical trial? Presented by Birthe Lemeley, President of K.I.U. (Women with gynaecological cancer)

How to live with ovarian cancer as a chronic disease? Presented by Prof. Jalid Sehouli, Klinik für Gynäkologie, European Competence Center for Ovarian Cancer, Department of Gynaecology with Center for Oncological Surgery, Berlin, Germany and Andrea Krull, German Ovarian Cancer Association e.V., Germany

TEENs in ENGAGe - new generation in HPV presented by Selin Bayrakli, ENGAGe TEENs project leader, USA

Palliative care: toward meeting the needs of patients and their families Dr. Kateřina Rusinová, General University Hospital in Prague, Department of Palliative Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Endometrial cancer treatment presented by Prof. Nicoletta Colombo, European Institute of Oncology, Division of Gynaecologic Oncology Medicine, Milano, Italy

Vaginal flora presented by Prof. Maria Kyrgiou, Imperial College London, IRDB, Department of Gut, Metabolism & Reproduction - Surgery & Cancer, London, United Kingdom

What happens with the body after cc cancer - focus on triple loss functions´ presented by Kim Hulscher, Stichting Olijf, The Netherlands

Sexual Health workshop presented by Assoc. prof. Kathrin Kirchheiner, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Radiation Oncology, Vienna, Austria

How can patients gain enough knowledge to have an influence Diagnosis curator for patients getting their cancer diagnosis presented by Eva-Maria Strömsholm, Gynecological Cancer patients in Finland, Finland

Who knows how to treat my rare cancer? presented by Prof. Philippe Morice, Institute Gustave Roussy, Department of Surgery, Villejuif, France

Fertility Art in gyn cancers presented by Prof. Fréderic Amant, UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Division Gynaecological Oncology, Leuven, Belgium

End of Life lecture presented by Andrea Krull, German Ovarian Cancer Association e.V., Germany


Poster presentations


Poster presentation: Get us to know by Andrea Krull, Ovarian Cancer Association, Germany

Poster presentation: Knowledge and attitude towards clinical trials among women with ovarian cancer: results of the ACTO study by Elisabetta Ricotti, Acto Italy

Poster presentation: Mallow Patient Journey ~ Online Patient Journey by Krisztina Sallai, Mallow Flower, Hungary

Poster presentation: Conversation cards in the doctor’s office by Linda Snoep, Olijf, The Netherlands

Poster presentation: Creation of the Irish Network for Gynaecological Oncology; giving a voice to gynaecological cancers in Ireland by Sharon O’Toole, Irish Network for Gynaecological Oncology, Ireland

Poster presentation: Evaluating the effectiveness of having Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) partake in all aspects of establishing a Survivorship Program by Yvonne O'Meara, ISGOPPI, Ireland

Poster presentation: How did Dance with Cancer beat Covid challenges by Esra Urkmez, Dance with Cancer, Turkey

Poster presentation: Cervical Cancer Prevention Policy Atlas by Marina Davidashvili, EPF, Brussels

Poster presentation: HPV is our common cause by Gynecological Cancer patients from Finland

Poster presentation: Support Centre for Breast and Gynecological Cancers Patients in Serbia by National Women Center Milica Belgrade and Women center Milica Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia

Poster presentation: One hour is all it takes: media awareness campaign by Loto Onlus, Italy