News from the Members


ASACO, Spain

ASACO from Spain received the notification to be declared as „Association of Public Interest“.

Getting the Public Utility declaration for ASACO is very important for us. It is an acknowledgement of our work, and, moreover, it gives ASACO the opportunity to access to some Public Administration benefits.

It has been a long process. We presented the request in December 2017 and were asked to expand details last May. We had to present lots of documents, reports and certificates; but, finally, we got it. From now on, we will have to report to the Ministerio del Interior every year to keep this recognition.


Acto Alleanza contro il Tumore Ovarico, Italy

A new initiative for patients promoted by Acto Italy will start on November 26th in Turin and due to touch different hospitals with specialized ovarian cancer centres throughout Italy. The project was presented on November the 8th during a press conference.

Under the title “Dedicati” (Dedicate yourself) a one- week programme (26-30 november) of massages and treatments for hands and feet, together with fashion and look lessons, will be offered to all women willing to participate.

Promoted by Acto, the programme will be carried out with the collaboration of APEO, the Italian association of professionals in oncological aesthetics, for treatments, and of a personal shopper and a  turban maker.

The programme will start in Torino, at the Città della Salute – Sant’Anna Hospital, a specialized centre on ovarian cancer, and will move through Italy in the next two years.

With this initiative, Acto aims at helping women to recover their beauty, damaged by the heavy burden of disease, with the deep belief that this can help them to be more reactive and even more compliant with therapies.

This is the second initiative of this kind that Acto carries out, the previous having been organized for three years in 9 different hospital centres and total for nearly 900 patients. It was called “Sguardi di energia” and was about make up.

The “Dedicati” project is supported by  not conditioned grant of Tesaro Bio.



Veronica, Czech Republic

In the framework of Improving Care project in the Czech Republic, we published the palliative care brochure and also started to provide a palliative team support to the patients who need it. As you know the plan in the palliative care is not only to educate patients and relatives thanks to leaflets but also educate physicians and nurses to improve their communication skills when conveying difficult news.

Dr. Katerina Rusinova had a talk on October 23rd at the Gynae-onco department and there were at least 50 people, even obstetricians came, and the deal is they will continue in smaller groups in the upcoming weeks to be able to practice specific difficult topics


Dance with Cancer, Turkey

As October was breast cancer awareness month, Kanserle Dans worked with their volunteer to raise awareness against breast cancer and womens´ cancer by book signing events in Izmir and Ankara, concert participations in Ankara. Our survivors aged over 50 were on the stage dancing for the guests. We have also taken our volunteers and doctors to girls dormitories, to teach our young girls how to do a self breast exam.

You can find more here.