Webinar: How can Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan help tackle women’s cancers?

ENGAGe is co-organising the webinar, on 6 May from 11 to 12:30 CET, that will gather European policymakers, patient organisations ​​and industry to share ideas and discuss solutions to improve outcomes in women’s cancers and help make the EU’s ambitions set out in the Beating Cancer Plan a reality.​ ​

Eurydyki´s representative at ENGAGe, Ms. Malgorzata Kretowska, will represent ENGAGe and tell her patient story. Ms. Esra Urkmez (ENGAGe Past Co-Chair) will present ENGAGe´s mission and projects.

If you want to join the webinar, please register now here: https://forms.gle/yzL3o2BNuc15eBKt6