We are pleased to announce the upcoming elections for the position of Co-Chair and the ENGAGe Executive Group (EEG) which will be held during the ENGAGe General Assembly meeting, on Saturday, September 30, in Istanbul.
The General Assembly will elect Co-Chair and two EEG members.
We are pleased to introduce the candidates:
We are happy to announce you that Kim Hulscher (Olijf, The Netherlands) sent her application for the position of Co-Chair.
Kim has been an effective member of ENGAGe Executive Group and has been actively involved in different ENGAGe projects.
You can read Kim's motivation letter here.
The ENGAGe Co-Chair is elected by the General Assembly and will serve three (3) years comprising subsequent terms as follows: two (2) years as Co-Chair (effectively, immediate Co-Chair), and then one (1) additional year as Vice Co-Chair (effectively, immediate Past Co-Chair).
Candidates for ENGAGe Executive Group (EEG)
According to the ENGAGe bylaws, the EEG has four members (with voting rights) representing patient advocates elected by the ENGAGe General Assembly (Co-Chair, Vice Co-Chair and two EEG members). In 2023 ENGAGe General Assembly will elect two EEG members with voting rights.
Icó Tóth (Hungary)
Presidet of the Mallow Flower Foundation.
We are pleased to inform you that after many years of sevice tho the ENGAGe, as Co-Chair and Past Co-Chair, Icó would like to continue as a member of the EEG. You can read her motivation statement here.
Bar Levy (Israel)
Founder of HaBait Shel Bar - Israel's Women Cancer Association.
We are happy to announce that Bar Levy is applying to be a member of the EEG. Bar's association joined ENGAGe last year and she is very active ever since. You can read her motivation statement here.