Dear ENGAGe members, supporters, friends,
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2024 Patient Advocacy Seminar in CCIB, Barcelona, Spain.
The programme will start on Thursday 7th March with a welcome dinner. It ends Sunday 10th March.
Given that the Patient Advocacy Seminar in Barcelona 2024 is held only 6 months after the meeting in Istanbul, the programme is different and interactive. New topics and new session formats will be offered with substabtuially more time for discussions.
Programme highlights:
- 2-hour interactive Patient Advocacy workshop
- Best practice sharing sessions based on the call for projects
- Round tables and adequate time for discussions
- 2-hour workshop on Clinical Trials that will run in parallel and take into account the knowledge of participants
- Special lectures
- Medical education sessions
- Much more…
As a surprise there will be a subsequent programme on Sunday 10th March - ‘The Train the Trainers‘ Workshop on Ovarian Cancer.
See the latest version of the programme.
Please see the Application form together with the Application rules and the Call for a Project form.
The deadline to submit your application together with the Call for a Project is December 3rd, 2023. Grant awardees will be announced by personal e-mail by December 19th, 2023.
We look forward to meeting you all in person and spending time in Barcelona together!