World Ovarian Cancer Day 2021 by ENGAGe and its members

ENGAGe and its members celebrated WOCD all around the world.

We would like to pay your attention to the awareness video which was done by ENGAGe together with the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition. You can find it here.

On Sunday, May 9, Ovarian Cancer Foundation and Association of Ovarian Cancer Ovarian from Germany organised the digital broadcast which was followed by more than 600 people. This one-hour English lecture which was done in cooperation with ENGAGe representatives, can be seen here. If you are interested to read a review of the event, please follow here.


Our members were also very active during the WOCD. We are bringing you information about different campaigns.

ASACO from Spain prepared really lovely video

The press release from Ovacare Ireland can be read here.

Acto from Italy organised diverse events. You can read more here.