Educational Webinar for Patients: Cervical Cancer Myths

ENGAGe together with the ESGO´s Prevention Committee organise the educational webinar about cervical cancer.

This webinar will be held on March 31 at 18:00 CET and is open to ENGAGe members including ENGAGe TEENs! If you are a member and you want to take part in the seminar, please, register here.

The program is as follows:

Lecture 1: Myths on HPV vaccines by Prof. Elmar Joura

Lecture 2:  HPV natural infections and their treatment by Prof. Maria Kyrgiou

Lecture 3:  East-West discrepancies in HPV vaccines, gender neutral vaccination by Dr. Laia Bruni

Each lecture is followed by QandA.

The webinar will be moderated by Icó Tóth, ENGAGe Past-Co-Chair and Prof. Murat Gultekin, Chair of Prevention Committee.

The webinar is open for ENGAGe members only. If you would like to attend, please, register here.